Streaming Apps to Help Cut the Cord

A lot of people love the idea of cutting the cord, it’s a growing trend, but dont like the idea of giving up a few shows they really like. Its worth checking the listing of available network channels, some are surprising, but more than that, there are some real bargains out there for streaming apps with great line ups and original shows.

Managing ads.txt in WordPress

Ads.txt is a necessary tool for anyone monetizing their content. Most ad publishing systems strongly encourage it, and for good reason. It helps secure your ad space from being hijacked by unauthorized advertisers, therefore, providing a higher value to the authorized advertisers, given them a better experience and hopefully more impressions and improved ROI when combined with a full suit of techniques to create an effective ad publishing website.

Why CAPTCHA is Evil

Why CAPTCHA is evil, and why it is necessary at times. Learn what it is, how to use it, when you may not need to use in favor of other techniques to accomplish the same goals. Learn to not interfere with the user experience if you don’t have to and offer a more welcoming, friendly website. Don’t not greet prospective visitors with an immediate locked gate.

Manage Your Traffic!

Managing your traffic is securing your website, managing server resources, and preventing spam in any area that accepts user generated content or through contact forms. Here are some ideas to help understand the concept and introductory techniques to get started. Learn to manage your traffic!