Found a Great Television Signal Amplifier

If you have long cable runs in your house, a television signal amplifier is a MUST. Maybe more than one.

Television Signal Amplifier

I found a great television signal amplifier that really does work! It added MANY channels on the TV’s with the longest runs, also included a LTE signal filter to clear up the noise, both products together were around $50, so in the end, this whole project cost me about  what one month of cable service costs.

So yesterday I bagged up all my gear and brought it all back to the cable company, and cancelled the service.

Even though I was under a contract, they didn’t charge me early termination fees since I am keeping their internet service.

Project is more or less completed, and thus far, pretty happy with the results. between almost 50 OTA channels, plus a collection of free streaming applications and Google Chromecast, I think we are good! 

This amplifier I mounted in my basement where all the media runs center at, but, it’s also a good idea to have smaller amps scattttered around the house behind individual TV’s since a couple of the runs are quite long.

So the cutting of the cord project continues…learning lessons the whole way and have no regrets of turning off cable. Saving a lot of money every month, not paying for loads of channels I never use just to get the few I do want to see, finding far less expensive places to see the shows I actually do miss. I have actually found many of them are available on braodcast OTA television for free!

It is really kind of amazing how many people spend so much money for cable. I never will again. Be a smart consumer. Spend a bit for a good internet connection, stream what you can’t find on broadcast TV, and be sure to research thew channels available in your area.