AdSense Alternatives for Monetization

When someone is new to web publishing, it is often though that AdSense is the only option. There are AdSense Alternatives!

This will expand a bit on Monetizing Your Website The Right Way. Here we will take a look at some AdSense alternatives to monetization of a web site or blog. Of course it’s generally the first name that comes to mind, but there are other options. I worked with AdSense for many years, and helped support new publishers, but I decided to move on. Making the decision was easy, figuring out how to do it was another matter.

For many years I have had some site projects that made good money, and I always had other revenue streams. But AdSense was always a part of it.

When I was first approved it took a day or two and I was up and running. Today, in watching support forums, it’s much, much more difficult to get approved. In fairness, there are also a lot of people applying that never should in the first place.

Am I Ready to Monetize?

Always the best first question to ask. Too many people apply for ad systems far too early. You can not build a new blog with content copied from elsewhere, and expect to get approved by any worthwhile ad system the next day.

First, you need a product, and you need a product people actually want. In this case it’s a web site or blog you are creating as your product. It takes months to create a product, get enough original and unique content that will keep people coming back. They won’t come back to a site that is content all copied from more reputable source, you need your own…and a lot of it. Start there, build your product.

If you feel your product is worth it, give it try and apply. All they can do is say no, and quite often that happens. Generally it happens because you aplied to early, or had poor content.

How To Monetize

When the newbie thinks of “ads”, they usually think of banner ads on their site that people click on. Makes sense, it’s the most obvious. But remember, there are other options.

  • In-text monetization – These are the ads that appear in your text. Their systems finds keywords and highlight them to someadvertisers target who bought that particular word or phrase.
  • Affiliate marketing – These services don’t supply you automatic ads (generally) they give you options of products to place ads for. The end game here is that you put in the work, find ads for products that relate to your content or visitors. In theory this provides a greater chance of viewer interest.
  • Selling your own ad space – This requires more resources on your end, but it also provides more money. You have a sales department, or a link on your site to connect to buy ads. This can be a lot of work, but it’s rewarding. You don’t have to pay that third-party ad provider and you can get the money.

In-Text Monetization

InfoLinks is a great solution, from my experience, for in-text ads. I’ve used them for years, and have been surprised at that revenue if you have a high traffic site. They have not only in-text ads, but a lot of other options. They have banner ads, sidebar ads and many others.

Affiliate Marketing

There is the option of affiliate marketing, which in my history, has been very successful. In the affiliate marketing space, you choose your ads. Chose your ads wisely, based on your content and audience, can do very well. Places like Amazon, Click Bank, Commission Junction and many others, you can set such a system up.

Look at your content, look for ads related to your content. Related to either the content of that page or the site in general. The audience at your site is obviously interested in the topic, so target them!

Sell Your Own Ad Space

This takes work, it take your time, or sales staff time. You also need an ad server, which is available freely with Google Ad Manager or other services. Doing it this way you cut out the middle-man, and their expense, so, on a high traffic, successful site, you can make a lot more. Of all sources of revenue I have had, this has been the most profitable, but also the most maintenance. It is worth considering.

Final Thoughts

All in all, there are a load of options in monetization for a truly entrepreneurial spirit. Some take time and effort. It’s not for the weak-hearted, but, has great possibilities. It eleiminates the need for going through the whole Google approval mess. Investigate your AdSense alternatives.